Poetry Day 2023

It is another “Day” today. Poetry day, they say. Look at those two lines Above the line above this one You will see they end in ‘ay” The sounds, you know, align. This alignment is called rhyme Especially when paired with lime There’s something called metre It makes your pome neater If you…

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Great lines from songs

Background The other day I was experimenting with Kris Kristofferson's Nobody Wins and I was struck by this one line in the song. It seemed to just stand apart and emit this glow that could not be ignored. As usual, my mind, or whatever is inside my cranial cavity, wandered off into this…

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Yorkshire Dales - photo (c) Ajesh Sharma: There's sheep on them thar hills! EEP - The Pome This pome is going to be very deep When the border collie herds sheep Its actions are controlled by the beep From the shepherd who does keep The border collie and the sheep When they come,…

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ISBF2022-Indrani Ganguli

Featured Guest - Indrani Ganguli Indrani Ganguli is an interpreter of languages. She’s as adept at staring down recalcitrant witnesses in court while taking down their depositions as she is compassionate with those who clearly are devastated at being there at all. Her stories are rich in classical allusions even as they explore…

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ISBF2022-Debaleena Mukherjee

Featured Guest - Debaleena Mukherjee Debaleena is a homemaker who also reads and writes. Reading isn’t about “making time to read”. She reads wherever, whatever, whenever. Writing is her articulation of all the incoherence in her head. She lives in Bangalore. She needs books, coffee and cake, a reading-light and her recliner. See…

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