Punjabi in Paris – Day 5 – Vast Versailles

So here we go again. Another travelogue. This time to a hunting cottage of the Kings of France. Now if you're thinking about a run down, ramshackle wooden cabin in the woods, remember: This is France It had a Revolution ( The Revolution ) yup! Capital T, Capital R. Long before the Ruskies, the…

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The Chennai Conflict – 2

My stay in Chennai was not a very happy one. I was already well-short of being gruntled. ( see history in Part 1 ) I found the ultra-conservative nature of the locals disconcerting. Every light switch, every fan, fan regulator, every keyboard, monitor and tape was (more…)

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You may know that I live in the general vicinity of The Great Lakes. A weekend trip to the shores of Lake Huron gave me the chance to try out different settings on the camera. I get the basic idea on f-numbers and aperture settings but do not have a natural instinct for…

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Lunch with Lang – A Celebrity Encounter!

Introduction I had lunch with a celebrity. This happened completely by accident.  I've met very few celebrities. I did shake hands with Vijay Amritraj and sat next to Kevin Wright once. ( ** see footnotes below ) Now, Michael Lang may not be your idea of a celebrity and lunch with him isn't strictly accurate…

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Sun-dried Underwear

It's a fact of life that as life goes on we change, we discover new things, try new food items and generally progress from sundried plums with tangy rock salt to gourmet sundried tomatoes. At this point you are wondering, aren't you, why this post is tagged "travel"? Well, maybe you're not or…

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Making Glass

The making of glass is a process that I have always enjoyed watching. It is a perfect marriage of process, engineering, manufacturing and art. I love moving parts, I love seeing machines that make things and love thinking about the engineering, logic, software and hardware that makes these factories go. So when the…

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Blue Spring

Yes, that’s the colour ( color, if American ) of spring and to prove it I’m going to show you a set of pictures with lovely hues of blue. First though, lets start with this one.

wpid-20150412_131918.jpgAs you can see, not only are the arms of the bush a brilliant red, the jacket of the old lady sitting sunning herself is also red. But the recycle bin is blue, the garbage bin is grey and if you examine the (more…)

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