No Yeast Bread
No Yeast Bread Yeast. It's a thing that causes bread dough to rise. There are other things that can cause bread to rise, other than yeast. Like sourdough starters, which I have used and it was good! See here for more. But what if you have no yeast and no sourdough starter, what…
Cheese and Parsley Bread
Bread Bread is essential to life. Man can live by bread alone. Butter, jam, bacon, ham; all these are mere bonuses. Of course, we know that bacon makes the world go round. But then, some will say, the world has always been round. At which point I have to remind people that the…
Blueberry muffins with sourdough discard
The Muffins What is (or are) muffins? This is a good question. I think we need to clear this up, because there are two basic types. Muffins, which most Americans will recognise as that cylindrical shape, growing symmetrically in girth from bottom to top, topped with a mushroom head; which, IMO, is the…
Food on a plate
The organization of food on your plate is an essential component of good diet, healthy habits and a sound process. Well, maybe it's not quite essential for a good diet. And as habits go, we cannot say with any finality whether this habit is healthy or not. But we can talk about process! I…
Coffee It's a wond'rous thing, the use of an apostrophe to replace a single character. I mean, come on, it's the same number of characters! So what did you gain by replacing the "e" with the "'". And try and make sense of the ' and the " when it comes to quotes!…
Cranberry Scones
Fame I'm going to dispense with the story completely for this very simple recipe for cranberry scones. I did have people critcise the previous recipe for being overly long. It was a summer day, three years ago, when I was at my friend Twane's house. And he, being highly proficient in the kitchen,…
Punjabi Achari Chinese Eggplant
The Short History of Nothing Hello and welcome back! We're talking about a recipe And a very spicy one it be Don't know much about cookery I do know about what I cook And you're left wondering what a wonderful world it would be if I didn't attempt poetry (My apologies to Sam…
Aloo Gobi
Aloo Gobi This, translated literally, is potato cauliflower, where aloo = potato and Gobi is cauliflower. Now, be careful, because there is gobi and then there is gobi. And, as you know, there is the Gobi, which is a desert. (Not dessert!) This is Fool Gobi, where the Fool is a Flower, thus…
Adventures in Sourdough
Sourdough! Sourdough became the buzzword of the pandemic in 2020. Everyone who was stuck at home decided to experiment with sourdough. Every one started a sourdough starter and baked sourdough bread. Except I. As is normal in my life, I procrastinated for months before I came under the spell of this wond'rous beast.…