Yep! I’ve been busy upgrading, in the last few weeks, I have upgraded:
- USB hub ( actually, the old one died, so this is technically, a BCP replacement )
- NAS drive
- Ethernet switch from 4 port to 8 port
- New video card for the Windows machine
- Monitor for the Windows machine ( old one went white, so borrowed a 40inch TV 🙂 )
- Extra extension outlets to run AC power to everything.
- Ethernet cables
- Nikon ViewNX2 ( which led to the next item )
- OSX Yosemite on the MacBook ( Sheesh! read all about that lovely piece of work here )
- Categorized and indexed all the Memoirs in chronological order ( see here )
Categorized and indexed all the Travel posts in chronological order. ( see here )
Wow. It’s amazing how much you have to do just to get yourself organized and up and running isn’t it?
I know! I’ve been neglecting stuff for a while and it all just piled up, so I went one day and spent a glorious amount of time and money.. 🙂 What else could I do with spring refusing to spring up?