Punjabi in England – Time Stands Still
Time Stands Still This was my first ever trip to England in 2018. Not much has been written about my attraction to England. What there is can be read if you click this link. If you read it, Time Will Stand Still as the regular readers will attest. Suffice it to say that…
The Summer of ’23
The Summer of '23 'twas a busy one, was the summer of '23. In case, you're wondering, the apostrophe replaces the '20' in front of the '23', thus, '23 means '2023'. Now, you're wondering what's all this then? Why this overuse of apostrophes? Why are you wasting my time? Well, the truth is…
Recovery and Restart
What a week that was! A time for recovery, mostly. And a restart that didn't quite go to plan. Recovery As some of you know, I got back last week from the longest vacation I have ever taken. It required more than the usual amount of planning, more than the usual amount of…
This is a collection of photographs featuring sunsets at different places over a span of time (because I have not been able to get up in time to catch sunrises....) New York City, NY, 2017-JulLondon, UK, 2018-AugLondon, UK, 2018-AugCinque Terre, Italy, 2019-SepMagog, QC, 2021-SepOakville, ON, 2022-NovOakville, ON, 2022-NovMississauga, ON, 2022-DecStreetsville,ON, 2023-AprMississauga,ON, 2023-MayL'Orignal, ON, 2023-MayL'Orignal,…
Landscape Photographs
Landscape Photographs I know I promised a few people I would share an essay on Curiosity and quite a few said they were, uh.. curious about an essay that I would or could write about curiosity. Nobody I polled cared about landscape photographs. There was no interest in landscape photographs, colorful or otherwise.…