Punjabi in England – Planes, Trains, No Automobiles in London

I know you've probably forgotten everything I've written so far about this fateful tryst with destiny, the trip to London, England, fraught as it was with the aggregation of aggravations and the curious concatenation of circumstances that led to the very stormy emotions running through my sugar soaked veins. That was a longish…

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22 years an Immigrant

It's actually, 19 years a Canuck. But then, 22 rolls off the tongue smoothly and has so many possibilities. You can say two two twennytoo one score and two ( or 2) 2 times 10 plus 2 ( if mathematically inclined) Now then, what the hell am I talking about? I answer that…

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Punjabi in Paris – Day 5 – Vast Versailles

So here we go again. Another travelogue. This time to a hunting cottage of the Kings of France. Now if you're thinking about a run down, ramshackle wooden cabin in the woods, remember: This is France It had a Revolution ( The Revolution ) yup! Capital T, Capital R. Long before the Ruskies, the…

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The Chennai Conflict – 2

My stay in Chennai was not a very happy one. I was already well-short of being gruntled. ( see history in Part 1 ) I found the ultra-conservative nature of the locals disconcerting. Every light switch, every fan, fan regulator, every keyboard, monitor and tape was (more…)

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You may know that I live in the general vicinity of The Great Lakes. A weekend trip to the shores of Lake Huron gave me the chance to try out different settings on the camera. I get the basic idea on f-numbers and aperture settings but do not have a natural instinct for…

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