Thus: Duryodhan


Indrani Ganguli and their work

Indrani Ganguli is an interpreter of languages. She’s as adept at staring down recalcitrant witnesses in court while taking down their depositions as she is compassionate with those who clearly are devastated at being there at all.

Her stories are rich in classical allusions even as they explore the social consciousness (or lack thereof) of the times we live in.

Indrani Ganguli is a previous participant in The Irregular SloWord BirthMonth Festival. She has also been a guest outside the Festival.

Please read her short story in ISBF-2022 here.

Her poem in ISBF-2021 can be found here.

Her short story in ISBF-2020 may be found here.

She is also a contributing poet to this collection of poetry titled A Place called Utopia

Thus: Duryodhan


Indrani Ganguli

Thus: Duryodhan

Choose, you said,
Flinging both arms wide,
Choose what you desire,
And it shall be yours.

I am the Emperor, the Master,
I am beloved of my people.
And I shall choose.

You know me only too well— Don’t you?
So, choose, you say,
Revelling in that knowledge.

And I choose
I choose to baffle you
I choose to see the resigned twitch of those lips
Knowing you’re outwitted for once.

No pretensions to goodness have I,
The arrogant king,
The pitiless adversary,
The envious to death cousin,
The cards have been on the table,

So I choose:
You to take up the reins
The reins of my soul
And — as the battle rages;
It is you who will be liable
For every wrong I do,
For every move that I make.

Caveat Emptor, my Lord.

(c) 2023 Indrani Ganguli

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