The Little Red Blog – 0

I fear people may be a little confused aboot this. Yes, I live in Canada. Why do you ask? Sorry – back to TLRB. There was an altruistic fervor, uh, well, maybe not fervor, but at least a do-good, feel-good passion, no, that’s too strong a word, feeling. Since then the logical side of my brain has woken up and the voices in my head have started up.
“Why”, they ask, politely but persistently, as they do ever so often.
So finally I was, as always, forced to stop doing and start thinking, so, indulge me, if you will, as you sometimes do, as I think out blog here.
Objective: Develop a platform for bloggers to widen their reach and readership. The idea was to provide a list of little-known (or Little Red) bloggers we read and who read us. By bringing them all together we’d all be able to cross-pollinate readers and gain a wider slice of the eyeballs and minds out there.
As Objectives go, it was a noble one. However, it turned out to be simply inert at birth and so the chemistry just did not work. As far as valences go, people who read it and people who didn’t were both equally ambivalent.
(What? You chuckled at the thoroughly mixed metaphor? Hmmm….send me a note. We may have things to discuss.)
So to get things started, once a month (or twice, maybe thrice, but definitely not more than 7 or 12 times) we are going to post some blogs we think you should read with some introductions for each. Blogs we think are written well, express it well and make you think and feel.
Here are the first one or two.
1. Here is a dad. A dad who is sensitive and writes with sensitivity. An outrageous dad, funny and loving and did I mention sensitive?
2. And here is a writer, who writes intelligently and simply. She tells stories that make a point so gently that you can almost miss them, but you never do. Her writing is too good for that.

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  1. chaitanya

    A blog finder! sounds interesting.

    1. TheLastWord

      Yes, doesn’t it. Never been done before… 🙂 Glad you find it interesting. I hope you don’t use the word “interesting” to mean “hmm… a little weird, but I can’t be seen as rude” Heh Heh
      #TLRB #sloword

      1. chaitanya

        Nope, I’m really interested, as I like to read other blogs, but rarely stumble upon some that genuinely have consistent, great content.

  2. Sakshi Nanda

    “a list of little-known (or Little Red) bloggers” – 😀
    That’s a great initiative. I will be coming here for more.

    1. TheLastWord

      So my writing doesn’t bring you here? I’m wounded to the very core of my being! 🙂 🙂 Kidding! Always glad to see writers like you here.

  3. chsuresh63

    Great idea, Ajesh! NOW where were you when I started out? 🙂

    1. TheLastWord

      The question is “where were you?” I was write here, righting away. 🙂 You know I enjoy reading what you post and more importantly how you say it and that’s the key. Thanks for coming by.

  4. josna

    Hey, what a surprise—Thank You! In “real life” I’m extremely opinionated, so was delighted to hear that you think Tell Me Another makes its points gently.
    And thanks for mamosheman—what a terrific voice. Will definitely be returning.
    I’ve been preoccupied of late and find that I’ve missed a number of your posts. Have some catching up to do—maaf kijiye.

    1. TheLastWord

      maafing not necessary. I’ve been mulling over writing a post completely in Bhinglish. 🙂
      Yes, I think all good bloggers are opinionated – it’s why we read ’em! Sometimes we agree and sometimes we don’t, but if they evoke no reaction at all we won’t be back, will we?
      Yes, Mamosheman is a “gem of the purest ray serene”.

  5. mindfulmagpie

    Thanks! I have to admit that I don’t put in the time to search out new blogs, though I know they are out there. You’re doing the work for me here. What do I have to do in return? Wash the dishes?

    1. TheLastWord

      Keep coming back to read the Little Red. Though my dishwasher has broken down .. Hmmm

      1. mindfulmagpie

        Maybe there’s a blog about dishwasher repair?