
This is a collection of photographs featuring sunsets at different places over a span of time (because I have not been able to get up in time to catch sunrises....) New York City, NY, 2017-JulLondon, UK, 2018-AugLondon, UK, 2018-AugCinque Terre, Italy, 2019-SepMagog, QC, 2021-SepOakville, ON, 2022-NovOakville, ON, 2022-NovMississauga, ON, 2022-DecStreetsville,ON, 2023-AprMississauga,ON, 2023-MayL'Orignal, ON, 2023-MayL'Orignal,…

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Landscape Photographs

Landscape Photographs I know I promised a few people I would share an essay on Curiosity and quite a few said they were, uh.. curious about an essay that I would or could write about curiosity. Nobody I polled cared about landscape photographs. There was no interest in landscape photographs, colorful or otherwise.…

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Here comes the moon

Here comes the moon is a song. By George Harrison. Yes. Wanna hear it? Check this out to confirm that I'm not smoking legal stuff here in Canada. Here comes the Moon Photo Collection! The photographs here have been taken at various times in various locations. Enjoy these, or not, while I ready…

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Autumn 2020 in Photos

The Autumn of 2020 merged into the tail end of the memorable summer of this very memorable year. It was mild and the usual changing of the season was gradual. I suspect, because we spent more hours outdoors than ever before, we saw the change as a gradual transition. Autumn is really the…

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You may know that I live in the general vicinity of The Great Lakes. A weekend trip to the shores of Lake Huron gave me the chance to try out different settings on the camera. I get the basic idea on f-numbers and aperture settings but do not have a natural instinct for…

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Yosemite tangle

I'm tangled up in Yosemite and the need to write a blog. The pictures need fixing but the software's just a dog. Oh, what a tangled web we weave when first we try to edit photos, so we can reduce the file size and watermark each photo so we can use them on…

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