Mistress in white and blue,
my posts don’t excite you,
my status provokes no comment.
You give me the news and the homily
and updates from the family.

I have you on the laptop,
I have you on the tablet,
I have you on the phone,
I have you in the office,
I have you in the house,
I have you in the car.
You’re the first thing I log on to,
You’re the last thing I hold on to.

Your constant updates
and your frequent intrusions
into my privacy and my ablutions,
will one day, I feel,
cause a backlash surreal.

Mistress in white and blue,
my silliness amuses
some who say “I refuses
to log off in time
to meet that deadline”.

Mistress in white and blue,
you sometimes amuse me
teach me and abuse me,
but for all my time you waste
in reading things people cut and paste
I can quite easily forsake you.

(For more poetry, some of which is not like this at all, which means some it may be, go here)

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This Post Has 0 Comments

  1. Ina

    This is so true 🙂 but the last line… not sure it is easily!

  2. TheLastWord

    Must have belief! Thanks for dropping by and commenting.

  3. TheLastWord

    Sure, I can give it up any time.

  4. TheLastWord

    What! Only 4/5 stars? 🙂 Thank you, whoever you are.

  5. Pat

    Do not forsake me!
    I wear blue for you.
    Time runs fast by me
    Whipping my back
    as I squeeze into your phone
    and inhabit your car
    I stay true to you
    – Don’t make me wear black!

      1. TheLastWord

        And I love it too! There’s a blues song hiding in there somewhere…..