Fruitful Work

Fruitful Work And so it came about that I, bored from lack of paying work, tired from a year of travelling, walking uphill, downhill, along streams, lakes, tiled streets, cobblestoned avenues, gazing where the daffodils were, probably, blowing in the spring, in places as diverse as The Eastern Townships, The Bruce Pensinsula, Lisbon,…

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Vespera – 1

A retelling of a tale by Sreyoshi Guha (By kind permission) To Read The Original Story And To Learn More About It, Please Click Here To See The Review. It was afternoon and the sun headed into the west as the doors of the prison closed behind her, closing down the fourteen years…

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No Yeast Bread

No Yeast Bread Yeast. It's a thing that causes bread dough to rise. There are other things that can cause bread to rise, other than yeast. Like sourdough starters, which I have used and it was good! See here for more. But what if you have no yeast and no sourdough starter, what…

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The Summer of ’23

The Summer of '23 'twas a busy one, was the summer of '23. In case, you're wondering, the apostrophe replaces the '20' in front of the '23', thus, '23 means '2023'. Now, you're wondering what's all this then? Why this overuse of apostrophes? Why are you wasting my time? Well, the truth is…

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