The Path

The path to the future never did run straight
I have to walk along it, the silent victim of fate.
The sun plays hide and seek between the trees
Zephyrs lay their gentle touch, the buzzing bees
are busy with the business of their flowery date

I wonder at the meaning of the life I chose
as the afternoon warmth draws to a close
the many voiced chorus of the song I sing
is carried from my lips hushed and the sting
of loneliness evaporates as on the path flows

On and on through the woods it winds
chasing dreams under a light that blinds.
Willingly it moves, lithely it flows
with not a goal in sight, no end repose
The path to the future to the present binds.

<This was inspired by a photograph The SloMan saw on this blog post>


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  1. A.PROMPTreply

    Lovely and quite a different direction than your norm! Perfect pic too!

    1. Slo-Man

      hmm … the norm being “flippant, facetious and a tad arrogant”. 🙂 The SloMan now gets to work on the more serious stuff… otherwise we let him lie around “resting”.

      The pic was taken a few years ago, not very far from home.

      Thanks for coming by!

  2. sonnell

    I didn’t necessarily want to rate your piece as “brilliant”, but just “nice” does not really do it justice. I quite enjoyed it!

    1. Slo-Man

      Hahaha… in the middle then! I like the way you think! Thanks!

  3. marriagebooklin

    “Chasing dreams under a light that blinds.
    Willingly it moves, lithely it flows
    with not a goal in sight, no end repose
    The path to the future to the present binds. ”
    Full of sufi insights. Very heart shaking take. Really praiseworthy post.

    1. Slo-Man

      Thanks! I know very little (nothing at all) about sufi poetry. I just write words as they come and I like wordplay!

  4. latawonders18

    Great lines. Loved it.

  5. mindfulmagpie

    Lovely writing and evocative photograph. I hope one day to try a poem, though I really know nothing about poetry.

    1. Slo-Man

      Neither do I!!! I just tho words around and sometimes they sound like a poem. Thanks and you should try it… you never know…

  6. jannatwrites

    These were beautiful lines and great photo for inspiration. Sometimes I struggle with the future that is unknown, so I could relate to some of the ideas expressed… really like the final line about how the present binds it… it kind of does, in a way (but I hadn’t really thought of it that way.)

    1. TheLastWord

      Thank you! Everytime I read I too find new ways to look at things …

  7. HR

    Hee heee heeeeeeee….many voiced chorus of the same song only ‘for future’ Slo, but hard to identify about them 😛

    1. TheLastWord

      Thanks for reading and commenting!

  8. Nilanjana Bose


    Here from IB. Enjoyed your lines, and liked your blog.

    Leaving a link here that you might like to explore

    This is a writers group which puts out prompts every two months, and the members/bloggers can respond with art, photography, flash fiction, poetry, etc,. I read your tagline and thought you might like to check it out.

    Best wishes,

    1. Slo-Man

      Thanks will check it out.