
Racism exists. Systemic racism exists. Personal racism exists. I've been late with this post. The main reason is work intruded. Also, two reasons, I'm called the SloMan. The third, I have three reasons, is the real one. There is just so much I want to say. In this post, I suspect, I will be able…

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Women’s Equality Day

As is customary on such formal occasions the responsibility for writing a commemorative post devolves upon The Slo-Man. August is a grand old month. Not only does the first whisper of cooler climes caress your cheek as you walk to work, but  August brings the first jackets, the last languorous look at lighted…

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If its over

The Slo-Man spent a large portion of his time trapped in hotels in the US during the course of a bruising and ultimately fatal Republican nomination battle. As his American friends and relatives would say, the Republican nomination race was a “train wreck”. And now that the big night is over and Florida,…

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Anna and the Change.

Some time ago, the Slo-Man had expressed his skepticism on the Indian political movement aimed at "eradicating corruption". Readers can read the original post here. And time and the subsequent turn of events has done nothing to diminish the Slo-Man's conviction that creating an expensive, bureaucratic, state-controlled monster is of no value. Where there…

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about the news from India

The citizens have taken to the streets again – this time the country is India. Slightly at odds with the ‘go-get-them’ approach that has permeated the middle class in recent years, the people have raised the issue of corruption within the government and the movement has gained momentum with the usual theatrics that…

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about integrity

"Disgraced integrity czar walks away with $ 500,000".   The headline troubled the Slo-Man at multiple levels. Firstly, the use of the term "czar" to imply a senior-most position. The media is tempted to use this indiscriminately, with seemingly no regard to the history behind the term. Is the position really as autocratic…

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