Roti Shapes and the Brain

So the question asked is this "Do round rotis taste better than non-round ones?". And that is an interesting, very interesting, question. It brings to the fore many concepts that we possibly take for granted, but perhaps should review more often. So let's take a look at the question and break it down.…

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The Path

The path to the future never did run straight I have to walk along it, the silent victim of fate. The sun plays hide and seek between the trees Zephyrs lay their gentle touch, the buzzing bees are busy with the business of their flowery date I wonder at the meaning of the…

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Late Kate – Regret

I normally do not regret anything I've done. I did it at the time and based my decision on the situation at the time and the data available at the time. The situation was quite simply this - Kate Middleton was at the end of her first pregnancy and I have not forgotten…

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The Numbers Wordpress tells me that Wednesday is the best day for readers of #SloWord. 28% of the readers come to #SloWord and read what is there to be read on #SloWord on Wednesdays. It also tells me that 9% of the readers read #SloWord at 11:00pm. It would be reasonable to say…

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A Medium post

Some time ago, I'd been pointed to Medium as an alternative blogging site. It was very new and, I'm sorry to say, I neglected it shamefully. It didn't then have a vibrant well-established community and had a stark, minimalistic feel. It still is minimalist in approach, preferring to focus on content rather than…

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Happy Fifth Anniversary!

English: A butterfly, in Pome county, Tibet.
English: A butterfly, in Pome county, Tibet. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Today is, according to WordPress, and WordPress should know, the exact day 5 years ago when The SloMan signed up at WordPress and stared at the screen thinking “What is this blog thing and how do you go about blogging?”
Since that day, 5 years ago, The SloMan has seen much activity. Over 2 years ago, he merged (more…)

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Dishes – Why I hate doing the dishes.

Aerated water coming from a faucet.
Aerated water coming from a faucet. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

“Doing the dishes” is the act of cleaning up after a meal. All the pots, pans and assorted stirrers, cutlery and the actual dishes are lumped under the term “dishes”. Now, we have a large dishwasher and all the actual dishes, cutlery, glasses and glass bowls etc go in there. What counts for dishes in our house is large pots, pans, special-care and weird-shape items. These are hand washed in the rather large double sink we had put in in the kitchen. So far so good. None of these are actually “dishes”, but a header that said “Pots and Pans – Why I hate doing Pots and Pans” (more…)

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Choice is good

The question of choice is always a good one. Should one have choice? Yes. How much choice should one have? Now, that's a good question that cannot easily be answered. Many years ago, I remember Mad Magazine had this piece about the guy trying to buy cigarettes in a store. "Give me a…

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Pride, Prejudice and Curiosity

A scene with Colin Firth as Mr. Darcy after a ...
A scene with Colin Firth as Mr. Darcy after a swim in a lake is recognized as “one of the most unforgettable moments in British TV history”. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The words “Pride” and “Prejudice”, especially when joined with a non-contrasting conjunction are to a certain gender what, reportedly, catnip is to a feline. Some of those, personally known to me, have watched Colin Firth‘s D’Arcy in a wet t-shirt scene a few thousand times. Of course, people of all genders are simply fond of Jane Austen and count the story of Fitz and Liz as a great love story. (more…)

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Sex and Marriage

So recently, some female author, trying to flog her book, sponsored a debate on premarital sex. Briefly, she asked, Yes or No. Of course the usual pseudo social activists were quick to jump in with both feet condemning with many references to cultural heritage, some faux religious mumbo jumbo and a overall sense…

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