She Seeks: The Showdown

She Seeks

She Seeks is the fifth book of short stories in the “She” series. Written by women around the world from various backgrounds, this book explores the methods people use to “navigate a complex world”.

A desire to revisit the past, or nostalgia, is one aspect of this discovery process. Another is the investigation of a problem and the various solutions available, maybe even gain some self-realization for future growth and capabilities.

The SHE project’s main aim is to provide a creative platform for women’s voices and their reflections from daily lives. None of the authors come from a ‘purely literary’ background – and yet, as scientists, bankers, professors, engineers, managers and homemakers, they all have a story to share.

To learn more about SHE please visit:

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The Showdown – by Teesta Ghosh

A delightful tale!

It builds up quite well and as it grows, you get a sense of a lady who may be “alone” but on who is not powerless. It becomes quite clear that the lady is one who commands respect and has the definite aura of someone who understands power, people and the application of power to people.

The story is all too familiar. Rich, and greedy, masters of commerce conspiring, or collaborating, with politicians to usurp more power and greater wealth. This greed usually comes at a price paid by the community. That plot in itself is well-known to anyone who hasn’t completely lost their powers of observation of the world around them. We are left then with a story line that is as old as the unfinished novels that lie in my hard drive in the folder fondly called “Books”. Indeed, it is even older, dating back to the greed of Cain.

We then wonder at the impending twist, or to dust off my (very) rusty Franglaise, the denouement.

And voila! There’s the punch! Reading the description of the bout, it became very apparent that the author had some technical training in the rules, mechanisms and strategic and tactical methods. And so it proved.

An excellent tale that had me cheering on the sidelines in the final stage.

As I write this I wonder, though.

How do we defeat greed? What will it take to bust up that nexus between politicians and businessmen who destroy at a far greater rate than they build.

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