A Date – for you
Not the edible kind. A real date, an actual date. You want to bookmark this date. It’s an important date.
But first, let me tell you about the time I lived in Delhi, India. A newly-minted child, I recall that All India Radio (or AIR) would air,(sorry!) a program in the evenings called “A Date With You.”
I have stolen that title and modified it to my taste, thus A Date For You, because it gives you a date.
The show itself introduced us to “western music”, aka early “yeah yeah yeah” Beatles, Cliff Richard, Trini Lopez, country-pop. It was my first exposure to non-Bollywood music. We would sit around the big, valve radio, that you had to turn on and leave to warm up, before it could actually generate a sound. Yeah. I’m that old. As an aside, my older son presented me with a tube valve guitar amp about eight (8) years ago. I’m also seeing a resurgence of valve amps for audio use. So they live amongst us still.
The Date for You! That’s what you’re interested in!
Check out these photograph collection first! They’re just as nice as The Date!
I say so myself. Actually, I write so, all by myself!
Back to The Date. For you!
Enjoy these photographs, taken by me, with my fake camera. These are carefully curated and carelessly collated photos culled from the collection of photos I have lying around.
And then, at the end, will be … The Date – only for you!
The Glacier from Kaiser-Franz-Josefs-Höhe
Here’s a photograph from Austria. GrossGlockner is the highest peak in the country. The drive up to this lookout point was spectacular and needed concentration. GrossGlockner itself is just cut off to the left of the photo.
The Sun over Port Credit, Mississauga, ON
This is the mouth of the Credit River, which features in … um yeah (see The Date!)
Flahs, Riverwood Park, Mississauga, ON
The trail heads down to the river, and can be a tad annoying as portions of it get washed away by the rain, and the river overflowing.
The sun, Lake Wabukayne Park, Mississauga, ON
It’s visited often, this park. The evening sun in early fall, with the trees just starting to turn.
Island Lake Park, ON
There’s a dam up to the upper right, which we didn’t go to. I did like the jewels in the water.
Port Credit, Mississauga, ON
The wreck has become a landmark of sorts where the Credit River runs into Lake Ontario. You’re seeing the confluence.
Bell Harbour Park, Mississauga, ON
I liked the setting sun against the trees, lighting up the clouds, with the contrails of aircraft drawing parallel lines.
Erindale Park, Mississauga, ON
Fall hitting hard.
Also Erindale Park, with the treetops lit by the last rays, contrasting with the stream
Sugar Maple Woods, Mississauga, ON
The full fall experience!
The Date
And so, we come to The Date For You.
December 2017: A Couple of Choices was published to Kindle on Amazon.
2018 through 2023: Nothing happened.
January 2024: Second edition of A Couple of Choices was released, this time in print, as well as ebook.
And now… drum roll.
Twenty one (21!) stories, wrapped up in Uncommon Pie, baked to near perfection and almost ready for you. the stories in this collection are of various types. The stories are set in different areas of the world, with characters and conditions that may have been borrowed from on my own recollections on my journeys. What you can expect is an exploration of life in various ways.
A collection of short stories from Ajesh Sharma, author of A Couple of Choices, that will thrill, chill and make you chuckle, as well!
The Uncommon Pie is highly regarded but available only on rare occasions. What is the secret to its fame?
There’s a man with a plan, a scheming mother, or two, a retiree who bakes cupcakes and a sourdough baker, a socialite, a writer with a hangover, an enchanted lake, a spectacular wedding and more.
There’s a bit of fantasy. There’s a bit of romance. There are a couple of thrillers. There’s fun, too!
So when can you read them? Check this out!