Soggy Socks
The Start Soggy Socks started off as Unsoggy Socks. For most of an otherwise uneventful day. But then events, or rather, one event, transpired and transformed the Unsoggy Socks into Soggy Socks. Read on and I will tell you How This Happened. The Second Start Now, you know, as a regular reader of…
Long before Nike came up with the now famous “Just Do It” slogan, she had her own earthy version of it. “Kar ke chutti karo, hore ki!” Which may be translated as “Get on with it already! What the hell are you waiting for?” She was born on my birthday. Ok, hang on,…
Prohibition and Aristocrat
Background Once upon a time, I worked. My boss decided to send me up to the North East state of Assam, famous for tea and rain. The tea is the best in the world. The rain is the most in the world. There is also the unexplained mystery of birds gathering at one…