Guest Post: Out of the mouths of babes and infants
<This one comes from Soumya Mukherjee, an erstwhile school mate, who is today a professional insurance executive, professional dreamer ( like me ) and professional drinker and smoker ( unlike me. ) He is one of those silent readers of SloWord, though he has managed to overcome his chronic case of non-techitis to post the occasional comment. He has been writing for a long time and has a considerably larger following than I do, despite learning the basics of blogging barely a year ago. A testament to the quality of his writing, one presumes. Either that or he is uncommonly good at twisting the arms of his friends, relatives and acquaintances to make them read his blog. Read more from him here Idyll Dreams of an Idle Fellow. >

There was a popular American television programme where a celebrity host asked some questions to various toddlers and got perfectly honest and logical responses which sounded hilarious to adults. (more…)