A Medium post

Some time ago, I'd been pointed to Medium as an alternative blogging site. It was very new and, I'm sorry to say, I neglected it shamefully. It didn't then have a vibrant well-established community and had a stark, minimalistic feel. It still is minimalist in approach, preferring to focus on content rather than…

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Happy Fifth Anniversary!

English: A butterfly, in Pome county, Tibet.
English: A butterfly, in Pome county, Tibet. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Today is, according to WordPress, and WordPress should know, the exact day 5 years ago when The SloMan signed up at WordPress and stared at the screen thinking “What is this blog thing and how do you go about blogging?”
Since that day, 5 years ago, The SloMan has seen much activity. Over 2 years ago, he merged (more…)

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The Big O and I

The Big O. It's probably the most used and most misunderstood term. It's not just misunderstood, it is one of the leading causes of misunderstandings. At the very outset, I must confess that I have so far failed to fully comprehend the nuances of the O and it's usage. O is best understood…

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Wood and Wouldbe Woodworker

The unassembled pieces.

It is immediately a fact that I have some strengths and some weaknesses. Indeed, I am normal, like everyone else and despite what you may privately or not so privately think; or say, in the case of some of my ruder, more direct friends.

Amongst my strengths is, of course, prevarication, which I prefer to call deep analyses. Think about it a bit and you’ll see that (more…)

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Dishes – Why I hate doing the dishes.

Aerated water coming from a faucet.
Aerated water coming from a faucet. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

“Doing the dishes” is the act of cleaning up after a meal. All the pots, pans and assorted stirrers, cutlery and the actual dishes are lumped under the term “dishes”. Now, we have a large dishwasher and all the actual dishes, cutlery, glasses and glass bowls etc go in there. What counts for dishes in our house is large pots, pans, special-care and weird-shape items. These are hand washed in the rather large double sink we had put in in the kitchen. So far so good. None of these are actually “dishes”, but a header that said “Pots and Pans – Why I hate doing Pots and Pans” (more…)

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Ultimate Blog Challenge

Lotus (series)
Lotus (series) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

So I did it. I signed up for the Ultimate Blog Challenge. This means that I have to write one post every day in April 2015.

What a stroke of luck for you readers! I mean, 30 posts in April, just (more…)

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Memory Indexed

Well, you thought maybe you’ve seen the last of The SloWord, that I’d given up writing and inflicting my confusing thoughts on to you, that I’d gone off and got another job and therefore become too busy. You wronged me, for what I’ve been doing is designing a way to make your life easier, much much easier.
This blog has always responded to (more…)

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Blogging news

English: Groucho Marx & anonymous blogging
English: Groucho Marx & anonymous blogging (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
This is a quick post, just an update really. You know, the kind of post that doesn’t actually say  anything. The kind that starts of like this, in fact, and goes steadily downhill from there. Ah, that got you reading this far! You either love this blog more than anything else in your life or (more…)

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Fictional Romance

I've struggled over the last couple of years with a growing urge to write a purely fictional piece of prose. I have failed to get very far. At least three major attempts ended up as poems. I am serious. How that happened I have no idea, but there they are. Fictional attempts, ok,…

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